Tillamook Forest Center online bookstore
Neskowin Historical Foundation
South Tillamook County History (edited by Dean Bones) SouthTillamookCounty.com
Pacific Northwest Digital Heritage.org
Oregon Historical Society digital archives
The Clio. A national resource of websites on historical sites and museums.
Tillamook Coast Visitors Association
Tillamook County Pioneer Association
Latimer Quilt and Textile Center
Judy Cooley’s book about family history in Tillamook, In the Blink of an Eye: Marjorie’s Story https://a.co/d/19ufP2j
Tillamook Forest Center, Highway 6
Rockaway Beach History
Nehalem Valley Historical Society
International Police Museum, Rockaway Beach
Chachalu Museum and Cultural Center, Grand Ronde Reservation
North Lincoln County Museum, Lincoln City, Oregon